Çok zaman geçti………

Stevia365 sayfasına başladığımdan bu yana nerdeyse 10 sene oldu ve hatta geçti. Ilk zamanlar Stevia üzerine bir yazı bulabilmek için Ana Medyaya yani Gazete, Televiyzon vesaire gibi yerlere başvurmak gerekiyordu. şimdi ise binlerce Internet Sayfası  mevcut. Temennim ve arzum kendi ceplerini yani boğazlarını düşünen bir avuç zengini, milyonlarca şekerhasları, şişmanlıktan yürüyemeyen insanlar ve küçüklükten beri şeker konsumuna alıştırılmaya çalışılan milyonlarca küçük yavruların kanına girenlere başkaldırıp zeter artık demeleridir. Maaşları az gelen Işçiler girev yapabiliyor, Evliliğinden hoşnut olmayanlar ayrılabiliyor, Hasta olanlar Tedavi olbiliyor, peki senelerdir kanıtlanmış 150 nin üzerinde Hastalığa neden olan Aspartama niye bin-ikibin kişi topmanıpta yeter diyemiyor? Veya şekerin sadece Dişler için kötü olmadiğını, şişmanlıktada yüzdeyüz katkısı olan ve daha nice hastalıklarda parmağı olan şekere niye Yeter artık Steviayi serbestlestirin diyemiyoruz?
çünkü şekerin arkasında olan güç hiç kimsede yok, şekerin arkasındaki gücün ismi PARA.



Türkiye’de bir ilk! gec olmasina ragmen……….

Türkiye’de bir ilk

ÇAYKUR, anavatanı Güney Amerika, Arjantin, Paraguay olan ve yerlilerin ‘şeker otu’ adını verdiği sıfır kalorili şeker elde edilebilen ‘Stevia’ adlı bitkinin Rize’de 3 yıldır sürdürdüğü deneme üretimlerini başarıyla tamamladı.

Türkiye'de bir ilk

Analizlerde şekere göre 15 kat daha fazla tatlandırıcı özelliği bulunduğu tespit edilen, kalori ve protein değerleri sıfır çıkan ve şekerin olumsuz etkilerini taşımadığı belirlenen stevia bitkisinin gelecek yıl üretimine başlanacak. Yeni bir tarım ürününe kavuşan Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde çayda dekar başına 1.5 ton verim elde eden üreticiler Stevia’da 4 ton üretimle önemli bir ek gelire sahip olma imkanına kavuşacak.

Çaykur, 3 yıl önce Atatürk Çay ve Bahçe Kültürleri Araştırma Bahçesi’nde Arjantin‘den getirilen ve kalorisiz şeker elde edilen stevia bitkisinin deneme üretimine başladı. 3 yıl süreyle yaz ve kış dönemlerinde takip edilerek deneme üretimi yapılan stevia bitkisinin bölgenin toprak ve iklim koşullarına uyum sağladığı ve başarıyla yetiştiği gözlendi. Stevianın yapılan ilk analiz sonuçlarında şekere göre 15 kat daha fazla tatlandırıcı özelliği bulunduğu tespit edildi. Sıvılaştırıldığında bu oran 300 kata kadar yükselen ve kalori ile protein değerleri sıfır çıkan Stevia’nın şekerin olumsuz etkilerini taşımadığı belirtildi.



Son deneme üretiminin hasadını yapan Çaykur Genel Müdürü İmdat Sütlüoğlu deneme sürecinin oldukça verimli geçtiğini ve artık bölgenin yeni bir tarım ürününe kavuştuğunu açıkladı. Anavatanı Güney Amerika, Arjantin, Paraguay olan ve yerlilerin ‘şeker otu’ ve ‘ballı yaprak’ olarak adlandırdıkları Stevia bitkisinin Karadeniz topraklarını çok sevdiğini ifade eden Sütlüoğlu, “Türkiye’de değişik yerlerde denenen steviada bu kadar verimli bir üretim olmadı. Deneme üretimlerinin ardından artık biliyoruz ki bu topraklarda verimli bir şekilde yetişiyor. Çayda dekar başına 1.5 ton ürün alınırken, Stevia 4 ton verime ulaşıyor. Bundan sonra vatandaşlara bitkiyi dağıtıp yetiştirilmesini sağlayacağız. Ardından kuracağımız fabrika ile kalorisiz şeker üretimine başlayacağız. Çaya güzel ve tatlı bir kardeş geldi. Vatandaşın gelirini artıracak yeni bir ürünümüz olduö dedi.


Dünyada 3 milyar dolara yaklaşan bir işlem hacmi olan stevianın pazar payı her geçen gün artan mucizevi bir bitki olduğunu vurgulayan Sütlüoğlu, “Yaprak halinde şekerden 15 kat daha tatlı. Fabrikasyon üretim safhasından sonraki ürün ise şekerden 300-400 kat daha tatlı ancak kalorisi ve proteini sıfır. Mucizevi bir bitki. Şeker kullanımından dolayı birçok hastalık oluşuyor. Bu bitki bu olumsuzlukları ortadan kaldıran, şekerin kullanıldığı her yerde kullanılan değerli bir ürün” diye konuştu.

Çayda dekar başına ortalama 1.5 ton verimle 2 bin 370 lira kazanan üreticinin dekar başına 4 ton verim elde edilebilen stevia bitkisi ile ortalama 5-6 bin lira kazanabileceği belirtildi.

Sigma-T: die neue Stevia-Süßung

Sigma-T: die neue Stevia-Süßung für ready-to-drink-teas

Von: | vom 28.09.2015 | Keine Kommentare

Tee ist direkt nach Wasser das weltweit am häufigsten konsumierte Getränk. Allein für den US-Markt prognostiziert das Marktforschungsunternehmen Euromonitor bis 2018 für dieses Segment eine Umsatzsteigerung von 14 Prozent im Einzelhandel. Ob auf Basis von schwarzem, grünem, weißen oder roten Tee – fast alle trinkfertigen Tees (RTD) enthalten ein Süßungsmittel. Dabei zeichnet sich mehr und mehr der Markttrend ab, herkömmliche kalorische Süßungsmittel, wie z.B. Zucker, genauso wie kalorienfreie künstliche Süßstoffe zu ersetzen.

weiteres in ….. http://www.stevia365.com

Steviasüße ist hier eine vermehrt favorisierte Alternative, da sie gleich zwei Kriterien erfüllt: Sie ist kalorienfrei und hat, wie Tee selbst, einen pflanzlichen Ursprung. Im Fokus steht bei der Zutatenwahl oft der Imageerhalt von Tee. Er gilt als natürliches und gesundes Getränk und entsprechend möchten viele Hersteller diesen Eindruck nicht durch Zucker oder künstliche Zusätze beeinträchtigen. Das Reduzieren oder Eliminieren künstlicher Inhaltsstoffe kommt v.a. der Suche der Verbraucher nach besseren und gesünderen Getränken entgegen. Da Stevia eines der wenigen kalorienfreien Süßungsmittel natürlichen Ursprungs ist, wissen gerade Anwendungsentwickler aus dem Bereich Getränke diese Alternative zu schätzen. So nahmen die stevia-haltigen Produkteinführungen im Segment ready-todrink-Iceteas weltweit in den letzten fünf Jahren um rund 86 Prozent zu. Seit 2010 wurden mehr als 300 Tees mit Stevia eingeführt.

Tea-Time: Sigma-T trifft den Verbrauchergeschmack
Speziell für den Einsatz in ready-to-drink-Tees hat PureCircle seine Matrix Solution Familie jetzt um das Produkt Sigma-T ergänzt und bietet weltweit regionale Ansprechpartner für Vertrieb und individuelle Anwendungsberatung an. Im Raum Zentral-, Nord- und Osteuropa unterstützt NP Sweet, ein Joint Venture von PureCircle und Nordzucker, Getränkehersteller beim Einsatz dieser und anderer Stevia-Lösungen. Das neue Produkt Sigma-T verfügt über ein sehr klares Süßeprofil in RTD-Teas, das dem von Zucker sehr ähnlich ist und so eine mittlere bis hohe Kalorienreduktion bei hervorragendem Geschmacksergebnis ermöglicht. Es zeichnet sich durch weniger Bitternoten und einen geringeren süßen Nachgeschmack im Vergleich zu bisherigen Stevia-Produkten aus. Außerdem ergänzt das Produkt auch die Kräuternote und die erdigen Töne, die im Aromaprofil der meisten Tee-Getränke zu finden sind. Panel-Tests bestätigen die hohe Geschmacksgüte des Produkts und lassen eine große Verbraucherakzeptanz erwarten.

Die sensorische Beurteilung von zuckergesüßten RTD Tees und RTD-Tees, bei denen eine Zuckerreduktion um 50 und 85 Prozent mit Sigma-T erfolgte, führen zu nahezu gleichen Ergebnissen. Im Vergleich zu künstlichen Süßstoffen ziehen Verbraucher die mit Sigma-T gesüßten Tees sogar vor. 70 Prozent der Verbraucher gaben eine positive Antwort auf die Frage: „Würden Sie RTD-Eistee verwenden, wenn er mit Stevia gesüßt ist, um Zucker zu reduzieren oder künstliche Süßstoffe zu ersetzen?“. Das Ergebnis spiegelt den Verbraucherwunsch nach neuen Getränkealternativen wider und lässt erwarten, dass der Regalplatz für entsprechende RTD-Tees künftig weiter wachsen wird. Mit dem neuen Produkt Sigma-T lassen sich diese Potentiale erschließen.

Über NP Sweet
NP Sweet ist der ideale Partner für innovative Stevia-Konzepte. Das Joint Venture bietet Lebensmittel- und Getränkeherstellern in ganz Zentral-, Nord- und Osteuropa individuelle kalorienreduzierte Süßungskonzepte auf Stevia-Basis und unterstützt sie mit umfassender Anwendungsberatung in der Produktentwicklung. Dabei profitieren die Kunden vom technologischen Know-how und von der Innovationskraft zweier führender spezialisierter Marktakteure. Denn das Joint Venture NP Sweet vereint das Know-how von PureCircle auf dem Gebiet innovativer hochreiner Steviolglycosid-Mischungen mit der Erfahrung von Nordzucker im Bereich der Saccharose-basierten Süßung. Grundsätzlich bezieht NP Sweet alle Steviolglycoside über den zu 100 % auf Stevia fokussierten Spezialisten PureCircle.

Kochen – Backen mit Stevia

hier sind ein Paar Stevia Back- Koch Rezepte

Stevia Recipes

Verwandte Themen

  • Stevia

  • Schokoladensirup Rezepte

  • Daniel Schnelle Rezepte

  • Italienisches Eis Rezept

  • Schrulliges Koch

  • Kokos-flan

Easy to make and delicious! The oven does the hard work. Make these Apple Chips recipe at home, kid friendly and customizable. Love the crunchy spicy chips.

Living Sweet Moments

von Living Sweet Moments

Homemade Crunchy Apple Chips

Easy to make and delicious! The oven does the hard work. Make these Apple Chips recipe at home, kid friendly and customizable. Love the crunchy spicy chips.

Food stuff
Evangeline Smith
Food stuff
sugar free fudge recipe with Stevia - I want to exchange the condensed milk for heavy coconut cream.

sugar free fudge recipe with Stevia – I want to exchange the condensed milk for heavy coconut cream.

Angela Davis
microwave mug cheesecake for one recipe///adjust recipe for S cheescake (sub stevia and use full fat sour cream)

microwave mug cheesecake for one recipe///adjust recipe for S cheescake (sub stevia and use full fat sour cream)

Felicia Katherine
The best ketchup recipe and it's sugar-free! #stevia #recipe #food

The best ketchup recipe and it’s sugar-free! #stevia #recipe #food

Debby VanSuchtelen
Homemade Brown Sugar Stevia Recipe - Perfect if you are trying to lower your sugar intake or have run out of brown sugar.  Also very frugal since ingredients can be found at Aldis.

Homemade Brown Sugar Stevia Recipe – Perfect if you are trying to lower your sugar intake or have run out of brown sugar. Also very frugal since ingredients can be found at Aldis.

stevia baking
kerri peachy:)
stevia baking
This low carb grain free white cake is a recipe I make quite often. I use coconut flour.  THM S

This low carb grain free white cake is a recipe I make quite often. I use coconut flour. THM S

Andrea Melendez
tons of sugar free recipes using stevia (there might be some hidden gems in here for trim healthy mama ideas...going to search later)

tons of sugar free recipes using stevia (there might be some hidden gems in here for trim healthy mama ideas…going to search later)

Nancy Kay
Substitute Stevia for Sugar "- Stevia is a natural sweetener used for centuries in South America. Great for diabetics & those trying to kick the pervasive "granular crack". It may seem more expensive than sugar but since you use so little, it's really not. Replacing sugar with stevia in most recipes is really as simple as shown in this chart."

Substitute Stevia for Sugar “- Stevia is a natural sweetener used for centuries in South America. Great for diabetics & those trying to kick the pervasive “granular crack”. It may seem more expensive than sugar but since you use so little, it’s really not. Replacing sugar with stevia in most recipes is really as simple as shown in this chart.”

Cooking tips
Siv Marit
Cooking tips
Try unsweetened almond milk instead of canned coconut milk. Add stevia. FMD Fast Metabolism Diet P3. Whole Foods Ice Cream Recipe

Try unsweetened almond milk instead of canned coconut milk. Add stevia. FMD Fast Metabolism Diet P3. Whole Foods Ice Cream Recipe

Ooompa Loompa
Gluten-Free Vegan Pancakes. Note: Warm the almond milk BEFORE mixing with warmed coconut oil. Remember to get Aluminum-free baking powder.

Gluten-Free Vegan Pancakes. Note: Warm the almond milk BEFORE mixing with warmed coconut oil. Remember to get Aluminum-free baking powder.

Dont' Skip Breakfast - YUM!
Carey Bolte
Dont’ Skip Breakfast – YUM!
An old recipe called Forgotten Cookies, now made with stevia instead of sugar, Crisp, crunchy and satisfies a sweet tooth as a treat.

An old recipe called Forgotten Cookies, now made with stevia instead of sugar, Crisp, crunchy and satisfies a sweet tooth as a treat.

yummy stuff
Bobbie Jo Nelson
yummy stuff
Flat Belly Tea Recipe * 1 cup organic hot green tea * 1tbsp raw apple cider vinegar * Juice from a lemon half * Stevia or raw honey to taste 1. Brew 1-2 tea bags of green tea in 8oz of filtered water. 2. Add apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and stevia to taste. 3. Stir and enjoy! What's your best tip for de-bloating or ditching the coffee habit?

Awakened Nutrition & Training

von Awakened Nutrition & Training

Reduce Belly Bloat With This Flat Belly Tea Recipe

Flat Belly Tea Recipe * 1 cup organic hot green tea * 1tbsp raw apple cider vinegar * Juice from a lemon half * Stevia or raw honey to taste 1. Brew 1-2 tea bags of green tea in 8oz of filtered water. 2. Add apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and stevia to taste. 3. Stir and enjoy! What’s your best tip for de-bloating or ditching the coffee habit?

Tea & coffee
yomaly peralta
Tea & coffee
Green Tea Chia Smoothie - A vegan power beverage, with plenty of fiber, energizing green tea, protein from chia and calcium from almond milk


von blommi.com

Green Tea Chia Smoothie Recipe (Vegan, Dairy-free, Clean-Eating)

Green Tea Chia Smoothie – A vegan power beverage, with plenty of fiber, energizing green tea, protein from chia and calcium from almond milk

Andria Roach
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup SLUDGE - low carb - Another pinner said, "This recipe has CHANGED MY LIFE. I have the world's biggest sweet tooth and this is not only extremely healthy, it tastes JUST like ice cream. I eat this every night. 1 TB chocolate protein powder, 2 TB powdered peanut butter, 2 TB unsweetened cocoa and stevia to taste. SO healthy and SO delicious."

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup SLUDGE – low carb – Another pinner said, “This recipe has CHANGED MY LIFE. I have the world’s biggest sweet tooth and this is not only extremely healthy, it tastes JUST like ice cream. I eat this every night. 1 TB chocolate protein powder, 2 TB powdered peanut butter, 2 TB unsweetened cocoa and stevia to taste. SO healthy and SO delicious.”

Carolanne Richardson


Rhiannon Cobb
Protein Brownies Recipe - brownies made with chocolate protein powder, almond butter, and stevia. #healthy #recipe

Protein Brownies Recipe – brownies made with chocolate protein powder, almond butter, and stevia. #healthy #recipe

my turn over board
valerie dempsey
my turn over board
Low Carb Shake Recipe Ingredients: 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 Tbsp cream 1 tsp unsweetened baking cocoa 1 packet of Stevia (or saccharin, aspartame, etc.) Bottle to shake it up and store it (these are old sport drink bottles, but anything with a lid will work)

Low Carb Shake Recipe Ingredients: 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 Tbsp cream 1 tsp unsweetened baking cocoa 1 packet of Stevia (or saccharin, aspartame, etc.) Bottle to shake it up and store it (these are old sport drink bottles, but anything with a lid will work)

Lorraine Kelly
Zero Carb Flax Bread Ingredients 2 cups flax seed 5 egg whites 2 whole eggs 5 tablespoons flax oil, coconut oil, or olive oil 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup water 3 packets Stevia. Nutrition info: per serving (1 serving/1 slice) 145 cal, 11 g fat, less than 1 g carbs, 6.5g protein. Recipe borrowed from: http://www.theezwhey.com/page1/page1.html

Zero Carb Flax Bread Ingredients 2 cups flax seed 5 egg whites 2 whole eggs 5 tablespoons flax oil, coconut oil, or olive oil 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup water 3 packets Stevia. Nutrition info: per serving (1 serving/1 slice) 145 cal, 11 g fat, less than 1 g carbs, 6.5g protein. Recipe borrowed from: www.theezwhey.com…

Eating Keto!
Leslie Rush
Eating Keto!
Caramel Sauce or Keto Woerther's Candy( originally a recipe for caramel sauce)! A stick of butter, heavy whipping cream, and stevia extract. I put it in Saran wrap-lined ice cube tray and froze them- YUM!

Caramel Sauce or Keto Woerther’s Candy( originally a recipe for caramel sauce)! A stick of butter, heavy whipping cream, and stevia extract. I put it in Saran wrap-lined ice cube tray and froze them- YUM!

Nicole Wills
Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe Ingredients - Coming up!  Try making with bean coffee and almond milk!

Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe Ingredients – Coming up! Try making with bean coffee and almond milk!

The Punkin Patch
sam reese
The Punkin Patch
There are a bajillion keto pancakes floating out there on the web, so today I decided to mix up my own. I made this recipe based on memory of the terrible

There are a bajillion keto pancakes floating out there on the web, so today I decided to mix up my own. I made this recipe based on memory of the terrible

Rachele Taylor
Herbs and Wildcrafting How to Infuse Herbs in Oil, Water, Vinegar, Alcohol or Honey How to Make Homemade Extracts- Vanilla, Lemon and Almond How to Grow Stevia and Make Homemade Stevia Extract The Best Herbs and Spices for Colds and Flus Herbal Remedies for PMS Cold and Cough Care Syrup and Tea Recipes

Common Sense Homesteading

von Common Sense Homesteading

Herbs and Wildcrafting

Herbs and Wildcrafting How to Infuse Herbs in Oil, Water, Vinegar, Alcohol or Honey How to Make Homemade Extracts- Vanilla, Lemon and Almond How to Grow Stevia and Make Homemade Stevia Extract The Best Herbs and Spices for Colds and Flus Herbal Remedies for PMS Cold and Cough Care Syrup and Tea Recipes

Grandmother's Medicine Cabinet
Adi DiShion
Grandmother’s Medicine Cabinet
5 Ingredient Pineapple Dole Whip Recipe - Bring Disneyland to your Kitchen! http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2013/06/05/dole-whip-recipe-bring-disney-to-your-kitchen/

Chocolate Covered Katie

von Chocolate Covered Katie

Dole Whip Recipe – Bring Disney to your Kitchen

5 Ingredient Pineapple Dole Whip Recipe – Bring Disneyland to your Kitchen! chocolatecoveredk…

Food :3
Lexi Stephens
Food :3
Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats - this looks amazing and sounds delicious! Use stevia instead of the maple syrup/brown sugar.

Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats – this looks amazing and sounds delicious! Use stevia instead of the maple syrup/brown sugar.

Amy Abraham
Low carb blueberry Paleo Muffins Recipes - Ingredients 3 eggs 1/2 cup premium quality coconut milk (I used Ayam Brand) 1/2 cup coconut flour 1 tbsp chia seeds 1 tsp vanilla essence 20 drops vanilla liquid stevia (or regular) 2 tbsp granulated stevia 2 tsp lemon zest 2 tsp baking powder 1/3 cup frozen blueberries

My Natural Family

von My Natural Family

102 Amazing Paleo Muffins Recipes

Low carb blueberry Paleo Muffins Recipes – Ingredients 3 eggs 1/2 cup premium quality coconut milk (I used Ayam Brand) 1/2 cup coconut flour 1 tbsp chia seeds 1 tsp vanilla essence 20 drops vanilla liquid stevia (or regular) 2 tbsp granulated stevia 2 tsp lemon zest 2 tsp baking powder 1/3 cup frozen blueberries

Paleo life
Patricia Hernandez
Paleo life
Chili lime chicken - moist and delicious chicken marinated with chili and lime and grill to perfection. Easy recipe that takes 30 mins | rasamalaysia.com

Rasa Malaysia

von Rasa Malaysia

Chili Lime Chicken

Chili lime chicken – moist and delicious chicken marinated with chili and lime and grill to perfection. Easy recipe that takes 30 mins | rasamalaysia.com

Lightened up Froyo! Greek yogurt, cool whip, sugar free jell-o mix, splenda or stevia, vanilla extract, cocoa powder, and PB2. Recipe at bottom of post.

Lightened up Froyo! Greek yogurt, cool whip, sugar free jell-o mix, splenda or stevia, vanilla extract, cocoa powder, and PB2. Recipe at bottom of post.

Low Calorie Desserts
Megan Arnold
Low Calorie Desserts
Just doctored this recipe so it's a little healthier! 1c whole wheat flour instead of AP (you can also subtract a tablespoon and add in a tablespoon of flax meal for added benefits!) natural peanut butter in place of canola oil, and about 10 drops of liquid stevia in place of the sugar. Turned out so fluffy and delicious!

Just doctored this recipe so it’s a little healthier! 1c whole wheat flour instead of AP (you can also subtract a tablespoon and add in a tablespoon of flax meal for added benefits!) natural peanut butter in place of canola oil, and about 10 drops of liquid stevia in place of the sugar. Turned out so fluffy and delicious!

kaylee cramer
Daily recipe. health benefits of lemon water You’ll need: 1/2 inch knob of ginger sliced thinly or grated lemon Stevia to taste Simply pour boiling water over the ginger, let steep for about 5mins then add lemon juice and stevia to taste.

Daily recipe. health benefits of lemon water You’ll need: 1/2 inch knob of ginger sliced thinly or grated lemon Stevia to taste Simply pour boiling water over the ginger, let steep for about 5mins then add lemon juice and stevia to taste.

Healthy inspirations
Robyn Landry
Healthy inspirations
#paleo Grain Free Sandwich Bread: 6 pastured eggs; ¼ tsp stevia powder extract or 2 tbsp honey; ¼ cup coconut oil, melted; ½ tsp coconut vinegar (or apple cider vinegar); 1 cup cashew meal; 1/4 cup ground chia; 3 tbsp coconut flour, sifted; 1 tsp baking soda; ½ tsp sea salt

#paleo Grain Free Sandwich Bread: 6 pastured eggs; ¼ tsp stevia powder extract or 2 tbsp honey; ¼ cup coconut oil, melted; ½ tsp coconut vinegar (or apple cider vinegar); 1 cup cashew meal; 1/4 cup ground chia; 3 tbsp coconut flour, sifted; 1 tsp baking soda; ½ tsp sea salt

Ginger Cardamom Tea Recipe  Delicious, even with just ground spices and stevia <3

Ginger Cardamom Tea Recipe Delicious, even with just ground spices and stevia ♥

Mandy Hensley
Crack Slaw Low Carb Recipe Pam Notes: I always use a packet of Stevia instead of sugar. I also mix and match ingredients based on what i have on hand. I usually use fresh chopped Cabbage (green & red) instead of Cole Slaw mix. I also like this with ground pork and extra ginger to taste like egg roll filling. I usually add broccoli, too.

Crack Slaw Low Carb Recipe Pam Notes: I always use a packet of Stevia instead of sugar. I also mix and match ingredients based on what i have on hand. I usually use fresh chopped Cabbage (green & red) instead of Cole Slaw mix. I also like this with ground pork and extra ginger to taste like egg roll filling. I usually add broccoli, too.

Sarah Murphy
low carb pumpkin cheesecake pudding! use the 2 step recipe, omit crust. replace the sugar with stevia, spoon into custard dish and cool in refrigerator for about 3 hours, garnish with whip topping. yummmm!!


von HubPages

Cheesecake Factory Pumpkin cheesecake recipe

low carb pumpkin cheesecake pudding! use the 2 step recipe, omit crust. replace the sugar with stevia, spoon into custard dish and cool in refrigerator for about 3 hours, garnish with whip topping. yummmm!!

Weight Watchers
Jennifer Mayo
Weight Watchers
no carb breakfast bread: recipe for flax bread. Ingredients: 2 large eggs 2 tablespoons of olive oil 1 tablespoons of vanilla 1 cup of whole ground flax ½ teaspoon of baking soda ½ teaspoon of baking powder 1 packet of sweetener ½ cup of chopped walnuts ⅔ cup of water Instructions: Grind the flax seeds. In one bowl, mix ground flax, baking soda and baking powder. Add walnuts. In a second bowl, combine eggs, water, oil, sweetener (like Stevia or

no carb breakfast bread: recipe for flax bread. Ingredients: 2 large eggs 2 tablespoons of olive oil 1 tablespoons of vanilla 1 cup of whole ground flax ½ teaspoon of baking soda ½ teaspoon of baking powder 1 packet of sweetener ½ cup of chopped walnuts ⅔ cup of water Instructions: Grind the flax seeds. In one bowl, mix ground flax, baking soda and baking powder. Add walnuts. In a second bowl, combine eggs, water, oil, sweetener (like Stevia or

Julia Litchock
Pumpkin Spice latte recipe, a natural Starbucks copycat that's WAY healthier and way less expensive too. From MamaNatural.com. #Pumpkin #PumpkinSpice

Pumpkin Spice latte recipe, a natural Starbucks copycat that’s WAY healthier and way less expensive too. From MamaNatural.com. #Pumpkin #PumpkinSpice

Judith Dewey
GF peach cobbler. The recipe uses the oven but I modified it by putting in my crock pot for about 1 1/2 hrs and I used 1/2 c stevia and 1/2 c sugar, to replace the full cup of sugar. My family LOVED IT!!!!


von ThriftyFun

Gluten Free Peach Cobbler Recipes

GF peach cobbler. The recipe uses the oven but I modified it by putting in my crock pot for about 1 1/2 hrs and I used 1/2 c stevia and 1/2 c sugar, to replace the full cup of sugar. My family LOVED IT!!!!

Gluten free
Gluten free
Beefy Tomato Macaroni Soup from Hot Eats and Cool Reads! This is the perfect soup to warm you up on a cold winter day!

Beefy Tomato Macaroni Soup from Hot Eats and Cool Reads! This is the perfect soup to warm you up on a cold winter day!

Recipes to try
Mary Sineath
Recipes to try
crock pot pumpkin latte recipe

Thriving Home

von Thriving Home

Crock Pot Pumpkin Spiced Latte

crock pot pumpkin latte recipe

Susan Mckeown
Slow cooker blueberry butter - this recipe has sugar,but you could easily substitute another sweetener - splenda, xylitol, stevia even honey.

52 Kitchen Adventures

von 52 Kitchen Adventures

Slow Cooker Blueberry Butter

Slow cooker blueberry butter – this recipe has sugar,but you could easily substitute another sweetener – splenda, xylitol, stevia even honey.

IC Recipes
Emma Benezette
IC Recipes
Healthy Apple Carrot Ginger Smoothie Recipe - Nutribullet Recipes This was much improved by adding a couple of spoonfuls of plain yogurt, some stevia, cinnamon, flax meal and ice.

Healthy Apple Carrot Ginger Smoothie Recipe – Nutribullet Recipes This was much improved by adding a couple of spoonfuls of plain yogurt, some stevia, cinnamon, flax meal and ice.

Smoothie operator
Marylou Steinberg
Smoothie operator
Lemon Ginger Tea with a bit of honey is easy to make at home and can help relieve cold and flu symptoms. Plus it's delicious too!

She Wears Many Hats

von She Wears Many Hats

Lemon Ginger Tea

Lemon Ginger Tea with a bit of honey is easy to make at home and can help relieve cold and flu symptoms. Plus it’s delicious too!

Recipes I like
Wendy Stimpert
Recipes I like
Peanut Butter Cookies, *use erythritol in place of sugar and add stevia to taste. Do not use 1/2 cup of stevia or your cookies will taste awful. I have not made this recipe, but I know what stevia tastes like and a little goes a looooooooong way. As in not even 1 tsp will be enough for this recipe.

Peanut Butter Cookies, *use erythritol in place of sugar and add stevia to taste. Do not use 1/2 cup of stevia or your cookies will taste awful. I have not made this recipe, but I know what stevia tastes like and a little goes a looooooooong way. As in not even 1 tsp will be enough for this recipe.

Food and Drinks
Amanda Nohavec Photography
Food and Drinks
Keto Thai tea: steep a Thai tea bag, chill, add heavy cream and stevia --- perfectly doable with other black tea.

White on Rice Couple

von White on Rice Couple

Easy Thai Tea Recipe

Keto Thai tea: steep a Thai tea bag, chill, add heavy cream and stevia — perfectly doable with other black tea.

Health and Fitness!
Victoria Rose
Health and Fitness!
Cranberry Apple Butter -100 Days of Summer Slow Cooker Recipes..Substitute with stevia..Make for Christmas gifts

Eat at Home

von Eat at Home

Cranberry Apple Butter -100 Days of Summer Slow Cooker Recipes

Cranberry Apple Butter -100 Days of Summer Slow Cooker Recipes..Substitute with stevia..Make for Christmas gifts

Autumn and Thanksgiving
Whitney Most
Autumn and Thanksgiving
Chocolate Paleo Breakfast Cookies - Great recipe but I would substitute the sugar for a natural alternative sugar like Just Like Sugar, or Stevia, Xylitol, or Erythritol so as not to spike blood sugar.

Gluten Free on a Shoestring

von Gluten Free on a Shoestring

Chocolate Paleo Breakfast Cookies

Chocolate Paleo Breakfast Cookies – Great recipe but I would substitute the sugar for a natural alternative sugar like Just Like Sugar, or Stevia, Xylitol, or Erythritol so as not to spike blood sugar.

Paleo Eats
Kristin Pickett
Paleo Eats
Banana Bread Protein Muffins 3/4 cup Ripe banana 3/4 cup Egg whites 1/2 cup Plain low fat greek yogurt (I used plain Chobani yogurt) 3/4 cup Oats (use gluten free if sensitive to gluten) 2 scoops Vanilla protein powder (I used Designer Whey™, or you could use any flavor you would like!) 12-14 packets Stevia (or 1/2 cup sweetener of choice) 1 tsp Baking powder 1 tsp Baking soda 1/2 tsp Cinnamon

Banana Bread Protein Muffins 3/4 cup Ripe banana 3/4 cup Egg whites 1/2 cup Plain low fat greek yogurt (I used plain Chobani yogurt) 3/4 cup Oats (use gluten free if sensitive to gluten) 2 scoops Vanilla protein powder (I used Designer Whey™, or you could use any flavor you would like!) 12-14 packets Stevia (or 1/2 cup sweetener of choice) 1 tsp Baking powder 1 tsp Baking soda 1/2 tsp Cinnamon

unhealthy food
Kelsey Michelle
unhealthy food
@sugarfreemom did it again! She created an edible eggless cookie dough dip, thats not only sugar-free it's low carb! Click the photo for the full recipe. | #stevia

@Sugar-Free Mom | Brenda Bennett did it again! She created an edible eggless cookie dough dip, thats not only sugar-free it’s low carb! Click the photo for the full recipe. | #stevia

Sara C. Levesque
Recipe for Low-Sugar Whole Wheat and Oatmeal Blueberry Muffins with Lemon from Kalyns Kitchen  [#SouthBeachDiet friendly #Recipes.  I made these originally with Splenda, but now I would use Stevia granulated In the Raw.]

Recipe for Low-Sugar Whole Wheat and Oatmeal Blueberry Muffins with Lemon from Kalyns Kitchen [#SouthBeachDiet friendly #Recipes. I made these originally with Splenda, but now I would use Stevia granulated In the Raw.]

Sugar Free
Sugar Free
This is delicious & healthy! Why wouldn't you want the recipe?? Try it today! http://www.flaviliciousfitness.com/blog/2013/12/05/healthy-pumpkin-bread-recipe/

This is delicious & healthy! Why wouldn’t you want the recipe?? Try it today! www.flaviliciousf…

FOOD! Yum.
Megan Glosson
FOOD! Yum.
Cranberry Coconut Power Bars | Paleo Power Bars Recipe // 1 cup hemp seeds ½ cup golden flaxmeal ½ cup dried cranberries ½ cup coconut butter 1½ cups unsweetened shredded coconut ⅛ teaspoon vanilla stevia ⅛ teaspoon celtic sea salt

Elana's Pantry

von Elana’s Pantry

Cranberry Coconut Power Bars

Cranberry Coconut Power Bars | Paleo Power Bars Recipe // 1 cup hemp seeds ½ cup golden flaxmeal ½ cup dried cranberries ½ cup coconut butter 1½ cups unsweetened shredded coconut ⅛ teaspoon vanilla stevia ⅛ teaspoon celtic sea salt

Snacks, Sandwiches and Lunch ideas
Nicky Christenson
Snacks, Sandwiches and Lunch ideas
Green Tea Chia Smoothie Recipe (dairy-free, vegan) #vegan #mybloom #smoothie


von blommi.com

Green Tea Chia Smoothie Recipe (Vegan, Dairy-free, Clean-Eating)

Green Tea Chia Smoothie Recipe (dairy-free, vegan) #vegan #mybloom #smoothie

healthy foods
carol currens
healthy foods
High-Protein, Low-Sugar Blueberry Muffins Recipe via @SparkPeople

High-Protein, Low-Sugar Blueberry Muffins Recipe via @SparkPeople

Health and Fitness
Jacqueline Boniface
Health and Fitness
EAT LIVE GROW PALEO: 10 Homemade Paleo Salad Dressing Recipes Substitute stevia for any honey

EAT LIVE GROW PALEO: 10 Homemade Paleo Salad Dressing Recipes Substitute stevia for any honey

Healthy diet
Ashley Murphy
Healthy diet
baked-oatmeal--I use the recipe on my site with these substitutions: egg whites, stevia for sucanat, no oil, and almond milk. I serve with 1 tsp Virgin coconut oil on top. Takes only about 20-25 minutes to bake.

Stacy Makes Cents

von Stacy Makes Cents

Baked Oatmeal Revised

baked-oatmeal–I use the recipe on my site with these substitutions: egg whites, stevia for sucanat, no oil, and almond milk. I serve with 1 tsp Virgin coconut oil on top. Takes only about 20-25 minutes to bake.

Nancy Adkins
I never go a day without drinking apple cider vinegar, I use this for my early morning detox to lose weight and help to clear up my skin condition. But some of you may have problem in drinking ACV because of its potent taste. Check out the recipe to make your apple cider "drinkable".   #apple_cider_benefits, #body_detox

I never go a day without drinking apple cider vinegar, I use this for my early morning detox to lose weight and help to clear up my skin condition. But some of you may have problem in drinking ACV because of its potent taste. Check out the recipe to make your apple cider “drinkable”. #apple_cider_benefits, #body_detox

Lourdes Hernandez
EXCLUSIVE Trim Healthy Mama Recipe

EXCLUSIVE Trim Healthy Mama Recipe

Rose Strahm
Samhain Pumpkin Bread - This is my favorite pumpkin bread recipe.  I usually sub part honey and part stevia for the sugar, and have added raisins, candied ginger, nuts, they've all been good.

Samhain Pumpkin Bread – This is my favorite pumpkin bread recipe. I usually sub part honey and part stevia for the sugar, and have added raisins, candied ginger, nuts, they’ve all been good.

Gen Stringham
Great recipe for 21 Day Fix snack option. Made with greek yogurt, fresh berries, nuts and Stevia. Now you can feel like you're cheating with the 21 day fix

Great recipe for 21 Day Fix snack option. Made with greek yogurt, fresh berries, nuts and Stevia. Now you can feel like you’re cheating with the 21 day fix

Get Fit / 21 day fix
Christy Magnan
Get Fit / 21 day fix
Peanut Butter Fat Bombs recipe low carb, keto, paleo, ketogenic diet coconut oil 1 Cup of Coconut Oil (melted) 1/2 Cup of Natural Peanut Butter (melted) 1 Teaspoon of Stevia 8 Tablespoons of Cocoa Powder (unsweetened) 1/2 Cup of Butter (melted & salted) peanuts (optional)

Peanut Butter Fat Bombs recipe low carb, keto, paleo, ketogenic diet coconut oil 1 Cup of Coconut Oil (melted) 1/2 Cup of Natural Peanut Butter (melted) 1 Teaspoon of Stevia 8 Tablespoons of Cocoa Powder (unsweetened) 1/2 Cup of Butter (melted & salted) peanuts (optional)

Food & Drank
Jimmy Simon
Food & Drank
Pumpkin Spice Kombucha, CommonSenseHomesteading (assumes you already brew Kombucha at home; add to kombucha a little pumpkin puree, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, stevia [opt]; also recipe for Ginger Spice Kombucha and 10+ others that are holiday-related)

Common Sense Homesteading

von Common Sense Homesteading

How to Flavor Kombucha – Holiday Flavors

Pumpkin Spice Kombucha, CommonSenseHomesteading (assumes you already brew Kombucha at home; add to kombucha a little pumpkin puree, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, stevia [opt]; also recipe for Ginger Spice Kombucha and 10+ others that are holiday-related)

Cindy Weigel
21 Chia Seed Recipes You're Going to Crave

Dr. Axe

von Dr. Axe

21 Chia Seed Recipes You Are Going to Crave!

21 Chia Seed Recipes You’re Going to Crave

Clean eating
Kim Ponzillo
Clean eating
Stevia recipes for Beverages, Breads & Muffins, Breakfast Foods, Desserts, Jams & Jellies, Salads, Soups,

Stevia recipes for Beverages, Breads & Muffins, Breakfast Foods, Desserts, Jams & Jellies, Salads, Soups,

Luka Bean
Yeast Free Ketchup recipe (or) Tomato paste mixed with a little lemon juice and stevia and seasoned with salt to taste.

Yeast Free Ketchup recipe (or) Tomato paste mixed with a little lemon juice and stevia and seasoned with salt to taste.

Healthy Eating.
Lyndsay Rathje
Healthy Eating.
Skinny Lemon Bars — The Skinny Fork sub almond flour and stevia for powder sugar

The Skinny Fork

von The Skinny Fork

Skinny Lemon Bars

Skinny Lemon Bars — The Skinny Fork sub almond flour and stevia for powder sugar

Floor van Wermeskerken
Apple Crumble Recipe Made with stevia. This easy recipe features @sweetleafstevia #ad

Apple Crumble Recipe Made with stevia. This easy recipe features @SweetLeaf Stevia® Sweetener #ad

martha wengerd
*250g cottage cheese *1 1/2 tablespoons smooth peanut butter *1 teaspoon granulated stevia Blend all ingredients and chill in the freezer for 10min - See more at: http://www.iquitsugar.com/recipe/peanut-butter-mousse/#sthash.emkaCH5d.dpuf

I Quit Sugar

von I Quit Sugar

Peanut Butter Mousse

*250g cottage cheese *1 1/2 tablespoons smooth peanut butter *1 teaspoon granulated stevia Blend all ingredients and chill in the freezer for 10min – See more at: www.iquitsugar.co…

Megan Cloninger
Oh, my yum! No sugar added and only 60 calories. Tried them tonight and now I know how I'm going to get through the summer without ice cream. :)

Chocolate Covered Katie

von Chocolate Covered Katie

Healthy Chocolate Fudgsicles – {no corn syrup!}

Oh, my yum! No sugar added and only 60 calories. Tried them tonight and now I know how I’m going to get through the summer without ice cream. 🙂

Diane Russell
stevia sweetened mint chocolate chip ice cream recipe (use almond milk or coconut milk in place of cream for a dairy-free version)

stevia sweetened mint chocolate chip ice cream recipe (use almond milk or coconut milk in place of cream for a dairy-free version)

Carol Klein
Low Sugar Desserts Sugar Free Desserts - Wheat Belly Recipes, Grain Brain Recipes Gluten Free desserts ♥ Chocolate Fudgey Flourless Brownies ♥ Stevia Chart #carbswitch carbswitch.com Please Repin

Low Sugar Desserts Sugar Free Desserts – Wheat Belly Recipes, Grain Brain Recipes Gluten Free desserts ♥ Chocolate Fudgey Flourless Brownies ♥ Stevia Chart #carbswitch carbswitch.com Please Repin

Good Eats!
Ellon Yoakum
Good Eats!
Raspberry Coconut Chia Pudding Pops. This recipe includes Stevia, but I swap it equally with Agave. It tastes amazing!

Raspberry Coconut Chia Pudding Pops. This recipe includes Stevia, but I swap it equally with Agave. It tastes amazing!

Ericka Stein
Substitute Stevia for Sugar - Stevia is a natural sweetener used for centuries in South America. Great for diabetics & those trying to kick the pervasive "granular crack". It may seem more expensive than sugar but since you use so little, it's really not. Replacing sugar with stevia in most recipes is really as simple as shown in this chart.

Substitute Stevia for Sugar – Stevia is a natural sweetener used for centuries in South America. Great for diabetics & those trying to kick the pervasive “granular crack”. It may seem more expensive than sugar but since you use so little, it’s really not. Replacing sugar with stevia in most recipes is really as simple as shown in this chart.

Healthy Eating
Stephanie Feinauer
Healthy Eating
The Spunky Coconut: Snickerdoodles [Almond flour, Coconut flour, Gluten-free, Grain-free, Wheat-free, Coconut oil, Desserts, Snacks, Recipe makeover, Healthy, Vegetarian, Stevia, Refined sugar-free, Stevia, Sugar substitutes, Cinnamon] *

The Spunky Coconut: Snickerdoodles [Almond flour, Coconut flour, Gluten-free, Grain-free, Wheat-free, Coconut oil, Desserts, Snacks, Recipe makeover, Healthy, Vegetarian, Stevia, Refined sugar-free, Stevia, Sugar substitutes, Cinnamon] *

Healthy Eats
Healthy Eats
Raw Vegan Coconut Macaroons | Raw Macaroons | Healthy Blender Recipes. I would use oil with stevia instead of the agave. Another occasional treat!

Raw Vegan Coconut Macaroons | Raw Macaroons | Healthy Blender Recipes. I would use oil with stevia instead of the agave. Another occasional treat!

Food - Cookies
Food – Cookies
Easy to make and delicious! The oven does the hard work. Make these Apple Chips recipe at home, kid friendly and customizable. Love the crunchy spicy chips.

Living Sweet Moments

von Living Sweet Moments

Homemade Crunchy Apple Chips

Easy to make and delicious! The oven does the hard work. Make these Apple Chips recipe at home, kid friendly and customizable. Love the crunchy spicy chips.

Amber Croghan
microwave mug cheesecake for one recipe///adjust recipe for S cheescake (sub stevia and use full fat sour cream)

microwave mug cheesecake for one recipe///adjust recipe for S cheescake (sub stevia and use full fat sour cream)

Low Carb Recipes
Anita Phelan
Low Carb Recipes

Stevia Wunder-Süße ohne Kalorien

Stevia Wunder

Stevia Wunder-Süße ohne Kalorien

Martina Herzog und Sandra Markert, vom 05.11.2011 07:52 Uhr
 Foto: 31596731

Foto: 31596731
Brüssel/Stuttgart – 300-mal süßer als Zucker, keine Kalorien, unbedenklich
für Diabetiker und gut für die Zähne: All diese traumhaften Eigenschaften
hat der Süßstoff aus der Pflanze Stevia. Im Dezember könnte er für
Lebensmittel innerhalb der EU zugelassen werden – jedoch nur als chemische
Variante.Ein Päckchen Badezusatz, eine Portion Tiernahrung oder Pulver
zur Herstellung von Kosmetik: Wer seinen Tee oder Joghurt in Deutschland mit
Stevia süßen will, muss sich bislang auf die nicht unbedingt legalen Tricks
der Anbieter in Internetshops und Reformhäusern einlassen. Denn Stevia ist
in Deutschland weder als Lebensmittel noch als Lebensmittelzusatzstoff
zugelassen. Deswegen darf es nicht für den Verzehr verkauft werden. Genau
dafür aber kaufen Verbraucher die auch Honigkraut genannte Pflanze bei
Online-Händlern, die auch Stevia-Kochbücher anbieten.Denn viele der Kunden verstehen nicht, warum die Süßstoffe aus der
Stevia-Pflanze in Brasilien, Japan, den USA und auch der Schweiz in
Lebensmittel erlaubt sind – nicht aber in Ländern der Europäischen Union.Schuld daran ist die sogenannten Novel-Food-Verordnung, die für EU-Länder
seit 1997 gilt. Seitdem muss für Lebensmittel, die bisher in der EU nicht
gebräuchlich waren, in sogenannten Unbedenklichkeits-Studien nachgewiesen
werden, dass sie den Verbrauchern nicht schaden. Geprüft wird etwa, ob sie
Allergien auslösen, krebserregend sind oder die Fruchtbarkeit beeinflussen.

Um das alles auszuschließen und eine Zulassung für den europäischen Markt
zu erhalten, sind sehr aufwendige und bis zu zehn Millionen teure
Untersuchungen nötig. Interesse an solchen Tests haben normalerweise
Lebensmittelkonzerne, die ein Produkt mit neuartigen Inhaltsstoffen auf den
Markt bringen wollen. Bei Stevia aber fehlt dieses Interesse seit 20 Jahren.

Aus Verbrauchersicht ist das kaum zu verstehen: Obwohl die Stevia-Süßstoffe
300-mal so süß sind wie Zucker, haben sie null Kalorien. Sie sind
unbedenklich für Diabetiker und fördern – anders als Zucker – nicht die
Entstehung von Karies. Obendrein ist Stevia im Gegensatz zu anderen
Süßstoffen auch noch natürlich. “Es wäre eine Bereicherung, wenn das auf den
Markt käme”, sagt Christa Lankes, die an der Universität Bonn Nutzpflanzen

Da auf eine uralte Pflanze wie Stevia, mit der schon die Ureinwohner
Paraguays ihren Mate-Tee süßten, aber niemand ein Patent anmelden kann,
wollte lange kein Konzern viel Geld für Untersuchungen ausgeben, von denen
nach der Zulassung auch alle Konkurrenten profitieren. “Bei künstlich
erzeugten Produkten wie dem Süßstoff Aspartam können die Hersteller für 20
Jahre ein Patent anmelden und es exklusiv nutzen”, sagt Udo Kienle, der an
der Universität Hohenheim seit 30 Jahren zu Stevia forscht.

Dass die EU-Kommission Anfang Dezember dennoch grünes Licht geben könnte,
liegt an zwei Dingen: Zum einen steht nicht die Pflanze Stevia vor der
Zulassung, sondern nur die Süßstoffe, die mittels chemischer Verfahren
daraus gewonnen werden. Hierfür ist die Unbedenklichkeits-Prüfung einfacher
und damit günstiger als für die gesamte Pflanze. Außerdem handelt es sich
bei dem Antragsteller um den riesigen internationalen Lebensmittelhändler
Cargill, der unter anderem den Getränkegiganten Coca-Cola beliefert. In den
USA verkauft er bereits die erste kalorienreduzierte Stevia-Limonade Sprite

In Deutschland könnten nach Ansicht von Stevia-Experte Kienle schon im
Dezember solche Produkte ausländischer Firmen in den Regalen stehen. Der
belgische Schokoladenhersteller Cavalier etwa will nach Testläufen in den
USA seine mit Stevia-Süßstoffen gesüßte Schokolade in Belgien, Deutschland
und den Niederlanden vertreiben.

Trotz der vielen positiven Eigenschaften von Stevia-Süßstoffen glaubt
Kienle aber nicht daran, dass die Hersteller künftig reihenweise ihre
Produkte anders süßen. “Der Geschmack hängt noch zu stark davon ab, wie gut
die Herstellung des Süßstoffes ist. Außerdem ist die Mindest-Aufnahmemenge
sehr gering angesetzt.” Diese Menge, auch ADI (acceptable daily intake)
genannt, gibt an, welche Menge eines Stoffes über die gesamte Lebenszeit
täglich gegessen werden kann, ohne dass die Gesundheit in Gefahr wäre. Die
europäische Lebensmittelbehörde EFSA hat im April entschieden, dass bis zu
vier Milligramm des Stevia-Süßstoffes Rebaudiosid A pro Kilogramm
Körpergewicht unschädlich sind. “Mit diesem Wert kann man nicht einmal ein
Getränk süßen”, sagt Kienle.

Was das für den Verbraucher heißt, kann man in der Schweiz beobachten.
Dort sind schon wieder die ersten Getränke mit Stevia-Süßstoffen aus den
Regalen verschwunden, weil ihnen auch noch Zucker und andere Süßstoffe
zugesetzt waren. “Für den Kunden entfällt so einfach der Nutzen.”


Stevianın yemek katkı maddesi olarak serbest bırakılması kesinlik kazandı

Gıda Zinciri ve Hayvan Sağlığı Daimi Komitesinden sonra, şimdide 27 Avrupa Birliliğinin  Üye Devlet temsilcileri oturup,

Avrupa Parlamentosu tarafından Stevianin onaylanmasını için çağrısında bulundu.

Original yazi : http://ec.europa.eu/deutschland/press/pr_releases/10072_de.htm


Endlich wird stevia als Lebensmittelzusatz freigegeben

original Link :



aspartam mı Stevia mı ?

Merhaba bu Sayfada Aspartam üzerine sizleri aydınlatmak üzere yazmaya çalıştıgım kısa bir Yazı Aspartam – tatlı zehir

Aspartam – tatlı zehir

Kendi isteginizle bir Kadeh metanol veya formalin içermisiniz ?
Ben bunu yapmayacağınıza eminim.
Neden mi ? Aptalca bir soru çünkü! bu davranış ani ölüme yol açar !

Bunun yerine, şekersiz bir kola içmeyi, yada şekersiz bir sakız çiğnemeyi mi tercih ediyorsunuz?

Dişlerde oluşabilecek çürük riski nedeniyle çocuklara oldukça düzenli bir şekilde normal kola yerine şekersiz kola mı veriyorsunuz?

Aspartam genel gıda katkı maddesi olarak bir çok şekersiz dediğimiz yada Avrupada,,light adı altında,,
satılan bir çok tüketim maddalerine konulan Aspartamın büyük çalışmalar sunucu kanıtlarını dünyanın en büyük Şeker lobiistlerinden biri olan
amerikalı Rockefeller ailesi hazırlattığı sahte ve yanıltıcı tezlerle servetine servet katarken
aspartamın yarattığı hastalıklardan payını alan dünyada milyonlarca insan dertlerine ölmeden çare bulmaya çalışıyor
Normalde Yemekkatkı Maddeleri hiçbir beyin hasarı, baş ağrısı, multipl skleroz (MS) benzeri semptomlar, epilepsi, Parkinson hastalığı,
Alzheimer, ruh hali değişiklikleri, deri büyümeleri, körlük, beyin tümörleri, uykusuzluk ve zarar depresyon ve
kısa süreli bellek veya zeka kaybına neden olmazken,
Aspartam bu ve 90 diğer benzeri hastalıklara yol açtığı uzun vadeli çalışmalarla kanıtlanmıstır.
Bana inanmıyor musunuz, Olmaz böyle şey mi diyorsunuz ?
O zaman internetten ASPARTAM ile ilgili Bilgi arayın okuyun!



Aspartam – tatlı zehir

Kendi isteginizle bir Kadeh metanol veya formalin içermisiniz ?
Ben bunu yapmayacağınıza eminim.
Neden mi ? Aptalca bir soru çünkü!  bu davranış ani ölüme yol açar !

Bunun yerine, şekersiz bir kola içmeyi, yada şekersiz bir sakız çiğnemeyi mi tercih ediyorsunuz?

Dişlerde oluşabilecek çürük riski nedeniyle çocuklara oldukça düzenli bir şekilde normal kola yerine şekersiz kola mı veriyorsunuz?

Aspartam genel gıda katkı maddesi olarak bir çok şekersiz dediğimiz yada Avrupada,,light adı altında,,
satılan bir çok tüketim maddalerine konulan Aspartamın büyük çalışmalar sunucu kanıtlarını dünyanın en büyük Şeker lobiistlerinden biri olan
amerikalı Rockefeller ailesi hazırlattığı sahte ve yanıltıcı tezlerle servetine servet katarken
aspartamın yarattığı hastalıklardan payını alan  dünyada milyonlarca insan dertlerine ölmeden çare bulmaya çalışıyor
Normalde Yemekkatkı Maddeleri hiçbir beyin hasarı, baş ağrısı, multipl skleroz (MS) benzeri semptomlar, epilepsi, Parkinson hastalığı,
Alzheimer, ruh hali değişiklikleri, deri büyümeleri, körlük, beyin tümörleri, uykusuzluk ve zarar depresyon ve
kısa süreli bellek veya zeka kaybına neden olmazken,
Aspartam bu ve 90 diğer benzeri hastalıklara yol açtığı uzun vadeli çalışmalarla kanıtlanmıstır.
Bana inanmıyor musunuz, Olmaz böyle şey mi diyorsunuz ?
O zaman internetten ASPARTAM ile ilgili Bilgi arayın okuyun size iki internet sayfasının adreslerini kopyaladım girin dikkatle okuyun!

